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NOS Association

In 1982, the need for an adequate response for children and young people with profound disabilities from the two municipalities, Barreiro and Moita, was so obvious that a group of parents and professionals founded Associação NOS, which later became a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (“IPSS”).

NOS Association started its activity in two areas: intervention (Early Intervention Team) and education (Socio-Educational Center). The perception that the social inclusion of people with disabilities is not purely a technical but also a social and cultural task, led to open other areas of intervention and interaction with different people and organizations of the community.
In 1995 they were one of the founding organizations of the Municipal Center for Disability and Mental Health. Between 1997 and 2000, NOS Association promoted the project "Growing Family" (Being a Child / MSST programme) in “Bairro das Palmeiras” (Barreiro county). They developed two trainings (Environment Technicians and Family Support Technicians), whose target groups were the long-term unemployed people. The trainings were funded by Sub-Program Integration (European Social Fund).
In 1999, the Social Inclusion Company "Family Club" was created aiming at long-term unemployed citizens and their social assimilation.
In 2000, they opened the kindergarten "Os Pirilampos", initially located in the neighborhood of “Bairro das Palmeiras”.
The Occupational Activity Centre (CAO), which develops activities addressed to young adults from 18 years of age with disability, was created in 2002.
From June 2002 to 2005, Project "Rediscover" was promoted for children and families facing social risks.

In 2006 the Family Support and Parental Counseling Center (CAFAP) was created, where responses were addressed to families with children and youngsters at risk.
They adhere to the Community Programme of Food Aid for the Needy (PCAAC).
They also held an application to the Network Expansion Programme of Social Facilities (PARES) through the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, aiming to build a Residential Home for adults with disabilities.

Nos Association also participated in the Comenius Project ‘Music and Dance’, an effective and attractive method for education and inclusion of children with special educational needs. The programme was implemented with Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey between 2006 and 2008.


In 2009, the construction of the Residential Home "Nossa Casa" started.
A Resource Centre for Inclusion was accredited by the Ministry of Education.
A Professional Integration Office was approved (GIP) through an established protocol with the public Institute of Employment and Professional Formation.
A project  named "A City for all Persons" (funded by European resources - Investment Support to Integrated Response Social Support) was introduced, whose goal was the construction of an Occupational Activity Centre, four Autonomous Residences and one Home Support Service for People with Disabilities.
The Association was acknowledged by the official Social Security Centre of Setúbal based on the Social Integration Income Protocol, through which the association has pledged to develop follow-up actions of RSI beneficiaries in his region for two years.

In 2012, NOS Association celebrated his 30th anniversary.
Nos Association also participated in the Comenius Project ‘Whistling to School’ with Belgium, Italy, Norway, Northern Ireland from 2013 to 2015.


In 2015, the organization started Autonomous residences and Home Care Services (CAO). Through the renewal of the Protocol with the Social Security in the program SIIP (Social Integration Income Protocol), NOS Association extended and increased its field of action from 270 to 750 families.

NOS Association (in English “US”) has a vision – to live in a tolerant, plural, economic and socially sustainable community – which is sustained by values such as Partnership, Trust, Tolerance and Inclusion. We define our mission by promoting social inclusion of people with disabilities or engaged in other socially disadvantaged conditions.

This is why project P.E.R.F.O.R.M.E.R.S. - Partnership to Enhance Recurrent FORMation of Educators through the Reinforcement of Sociodrama is a complementary support to the work done with young people by the Association, regardless if they are on the border of disability or psycho-social risk. This organization believes that Sociodrama can improve its youth professionals to work more closely to the dreams of its youth beneficiaries.




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